Used Books
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- (CONDITIONS OF THE BOOKS ARE LISTED AS: Like New. Good. Fine. Average. Fair. It is hard to describe some of the books.) Remember those words are used to describe the condition of the book, not the CONTENT.
1.Faith-Based Family Finances by Blue & White. Softcover. 565 pages. Like New. $6
2. The Moral Catastrophe by David Hocking. HB. Like New. $5
3. Radio Sermons on the Revelation by Ken Green. Softcover. Good. $3
4. Hermeneutics by D.R. Dungan. HB. Like New. $6.005. Denton Lectures on Revelation. HB. Avg. $6.00
6. Denton Lectures on 1 Corinthians. HB. Good. $7.00
7. Contending For The Faith by G. C. Brewer. HB. Good. $10.008. Queries and Answers by Lipscomb. HB. Avg. $8.00
9. Questions Answered by Lipscomb & Sewell. HB. Good $10.00
10. Survey of the Bible by William Hendriksen. Softcover Good. $5.00
11. Clarke's Commentary Vol. 1 (Gen. - Deut.) by Adam Clarke. HB Good. $4.00
12. Winton's Outlined Commentary on Genesis by Bob Winton, Spiral. Good. $6
13. Winton's Outlined Commentary on 2 Kings by Bob Winton. Spiral. Good. $5.00
14.. Winton's Outlined Commentary on 1 Timothy by Bob Winton. Spiral. Good. $3.50
15. Winton's Outlined Commentary on 2 Timothy by Bob Winton. Spiral. Good. $3.50
16. Winton's Outlined Commentary on Titus & Philemon by Bob Winton. Spiral. Good. $3.50
1. Coffman Commentary Exodus by Burton Coffman. HB. Like New. $12.00
2. Coffman Commentary Minor Prophets 2 (Hosea, Obadiah, Micah) by Burton Coffman. HB. Like New. $8
3. Coffman Commentary Minor Prophets 3 (Nahum, Habakkuk, Zeph. Haggai) by Burton Coffman. HB. Like New. $8
4. Coffman Commentary Minor Prophets 4 (Zech., Malachi) by Burton Coffman. HB. Like New. $8
5. Clyde Woods Commentary on O.T. Vol. 1 (Genesis-Exodus). Soft Cover. Average. $4.00
6. Clyde Woods Commentary on O.T. Vol. 2 (Lev., Numbers, Deut.). Soft Cover. Average. $4.00
7. Great Text of the Bible Vol. 1 (Genesis-Numbers) by James Hastings. HB. Good. $6.00
8. Living Word Commentary 1 - The World & Literature of the Old Testament. Edited by John T. Willis. HB. Average $5.00
9. Message of O. T. History Vol. 1 (Adam to Moses) by John T. Willis. PB. Average $2.50
10. Patriarchal Age, The by Charles Pfeiffer. HB. Good. $4
11. Egypt and the Exodus by Charles Pfeiffer. HB. Good. $4
12. Miracles of Jesus (Class Book) with Outlines & Questions by Frank Cox. PB. Good. $2.00
13. Leviticus (Banner of Truth) by Andrew Bonar. HB. Average. $10.00
14. Through the Pentateuch Chapter by Chapter by W.H. Griffith Thomas. PB. Good. $4.00
15. Barnes Notes on the New Testament 11 Vols. by Albert Barnes. Good. $50.00
16. Should We Pray to Jesus? by Jason Hilburn. Paper. Good. $3.00
1. Communicator's Commentary 12 - Job by David McKenna. HB. Good. $5.00
2. Nehemiah: Learning to Lead by James Montgomery Boice. HB. good. $5.00
3. James and 1-3 John Commentary by Simon Kistemaker. HB. Fair. $7.50
4. James by Thomas Manton (Geneva Series of Commentaries). HB. Good. $10.00
5. Jude, Epistle of by James Manton. HB. Fair. $6.00
6. Analysis of the New Testament (Restoration Reprint Library) Vol. 1 The Gospels and Acts by R. Milligan. Average, $5.00
7. Acts by F.F. Bruce (New International Commentary on the New Testament). HB. Fair. $4.00
8. Romans, Book of by Jim McGuiggan. Soft Cover. Average. $3.00
9. Theology in the New Testament by Ralph Knudsen. HB. Good. $5.00
10. Biblical Theology of the New Testament by Charles Ryrie. HB. Average. $4.00
11. 1 Corinthians, Book of by Jim McGuiggan. Soft Cover. average. $2.00
12. Flesh and Spirit (A Word Study) by Ferrell Jenkins. PB. Good. $2.50
13. Freed for Freedom (Studies in Galatians) by Edward Wharton. PB. Good. $3.00
14. Inperfect Church, The by Rubel Shelly. Pb. Good. $2.00
15. Galatians by J. Ridley Stroop. pb. Fair. $1.50
16. Beatitudes & The Lord's Prayer for Everyman by William Barclay. pb. Average. $2.00
17. Mark: A guide for Study and devotion by William Barclay. pb. good. $1.00
18. Mark: A guide for Study and devotion by William Barclay. pb. good. $1.00
19. Galatians and Ephesians (Daily Study Bible Series) by William Barclay. pb. Good. $4.00
20. Hebrews (Daily Study Bible Series) by William Barclay. pb. fair (several pages have lines drawn under words & phrases throughout). $3.00
1. Epistle of Jude. (Complying of writings, articles, etc., from various sources including Wikipedia, etc. placed in a spiral binding) Compiler is unknown. About 175 pages. Fair condition. $1.00
2. Hebrews, Exposition of by Arthur Pink. HB. 1307 pages. Fair. $20.00
3. Hebrews Verse by Verse by William Newell. HB. Fair. $7.50
4. Hebrews and James by R.C.H. Lenski. HB. Good. $10.00
5. MacArthur New Testament Commentary Romans 1-8 by John MacArthur. HB. Good. $12.00
6. MacArthur Hew Testament Commentary Romans 9-16 by John MacArthur. HB. Good. $12.00
7. MacArthur New Testament Commentary 1 Corinthians by John MacArthur. HB. Good. $12.00
8. Paul's Epistles to the Galatians, Ephesians & Phil. by R.C.H. Lenski. HB Average. $10.00
9. Galatians, Commentary on by F.F. Bruce (New International Greek Testament Commentary). HB. Good. $10.00
10. First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians by Carl Holladay (Living Word Commentary) Hb. Average. $5.00
11. Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians by James Thompson (Living Word Commentary). Hb. Average. $5.00
12. Letters of Paul to the Ephesians, Colossians and Philemon by Michael Weed (Living Word Commentary). Hb. Average. $5.00
13. Letters of Paul to the Philippians by Pat Edwin Harrell (Living Word Commentary). Hb. Average. $5.00
14. Letters of Paul to the Thessalonians by Raymond Kelcy (Living Word Commentary). Hb. Average. $5.00
15. Jude, Exposition of the Epistle of by William Jenkyn (Limited Classical Reprint). HB. Fair. $10
1. Matthew (Syllabus Series Outlined, 31 pages) by Joe Munday & Bill Smith. Spiral. good. $2.00
2. 13 Crossword Puzzles on 1 Corinthians by Thomas Eaves. Paper. Good. $1.50
3. Thessalonians, Timothy & Titus Commentary by William Hendriksen. HB. Good $6
4. Life and Epistles of St. Paul by W.J. Conybeare & J.S. Howson. Soft Cover. Good $6
5. Gospel of John by F.F. Bruce. Hb. Good. $7
6. Sermons on First Corinthians by George DeHoff. HB. Fair. $3.00
7. Thessalonians, Corinthians, Galatians & Romans by McGarvey & Pendleton. Hb. Good. $7.50
8. Commentary on Minor Prophets by N.T. Caton. Hb. Average. $3.00
9. Best of All is Jesus (Message of Hebrews) by Alger Fitch. Pb. Good. $3.00
10. Salt for Society by Philllip Keller. Hb. Good. $3.00
11. Moments on the Mount (Living Word Series) by Ralph Sweet. Pb. $1.00
12. Tyndale Commentary on Hebrews by Thomas Hewitt. Pb. Average $3.00
13. Revelation Class Book Part 1 by Frank Pack. Pb. Average. $2.00
14. Revelation Class Book Part 2 by Frank Pack. Pb. Average. $2.00
15. Wuest's Word Studies on Hebrews by Kenneth Wuest. Pb. Average. $3.00
16. Wuest's Word Studies on 2 Peter, 1, 2, 3 John & Jude by Kenneth Wuest. Pb. Average. $3.00
17. Sermon on the Mount for Modern Living by Thomas Seals. Pb. Average. $2.50
18. Happiness Is ... (Study of the Beatitudes) by Rubel Shelly. Pb. Average. $2.00
19. That You May Believe (Lessons from John) by Dan Owen. Pb. Average. $2.00
20. Accentuating Acts by Tom Holland. Pb. fair. $2.00
21. Romans (Living Word Series Class Studies) by J.d. Thomas. Pb. Fair. $1.50
22. Facts from Acts (1000 Questions and Answers from Acts) (3 copies) by Gussie Lambert. Pb. Good. $1.50 each
23. James & Jude, A Study of by John Jarrett (Class book). Pb. Fair. $1.50
24. James, Notes on by James Tolle. Pb. Good. $1.50
25. 1 and 2 Peter, Notes on by James Tolle. Pb average. $1.50
26. Revelation, Simple Studies in the, by Rubel Shelly. Pb. Average. $1.50
27. James Through Jude, Systematic Study of, by Willard Conchin. Pb. Good $2
28. 1 and 2 Corinthians, Systematic Study of, by Willard Conchin. Pb. Good. $2
29. Gospel Declared and Defended (Workbook on Galatians) by Thomas Holland. Pb. Average. $1.50
30. Acts, Quesions on, by Deorge DeHoff (Class Book). Pb. Good. $1.50
31. Philippians, Notes on, by James Tolle. Pb. Good. $2
32. Hebrews, Studies in, by Frank Van Dyke (Class book). Pb. Good. $1.50
33. 1 and 2 Corinthians, Systematic Study of, by Willard Conchin. Pb. Good. $2
34. Sermon on the Mount (An Outline - Workbook) by Clem Thurman. Pb. Good. $1.50
35. Living Words by J.W. Jackson. Hb. Good. $5.00BI
1. Chronicles -News of the Past - In the Days of the Bible. HB Average. $3
2. The Outlined Bible by Robert Lee. Hb. Fair. $3
3. Ten Commandments Twice Removed by Shelton & Quinn. Pb. Like New. $2.00
4. Message of O.T. History Vol. 2 (Joshua to Ruth) by John T. Willis. Pb. Avg. $2
5. Message of O.T. History Vol. 3 (Samuel to Solomon) by John T. Willis. Pb. Avg. $2
6. Living by the Rules by Rubel Shelly. Pb. Avg. $2.00
7. Wise get Wise and the Foolish more Foolish by Stan Mitchell. Pb. Good. $3.00
8. Isaiah, The Book of, by Jim McGuiggan. Pb. Avg. $3.00
9. Ezekiel, The Book of, by Jim McGuiggan. Pb. Avg. $4.00
10. Daniel, The Book of, by Jim McGuiggan. Pb. Avg. $3.00
11. Amos & Lamentations - God's People in Crisis by Robert Martin-Achard & S. Paul Re'Mi. Pb. Good. $3.00
12. 12 Minor Prophets by George Robinson. Pb. $4
13. Amos- A Commentary by Gary V. Smith. HB. Good. $5
14. Mysteries of the Kingdom (An Exposition of the Parables by Herman Hanko. Hb. Fair. $5
15. Fundamentals, The, by Andrew Connally. Pb. Good. $3
16. Truth For Today - Five Minute Radio Sermons by George Merritt. Pb. Avg. $3.00
17. Gospel Gleanings by Gale Miller. Hb. Good. $4
18. 100 Sermon Outlines by W. W. Stovall. Pb. Good. $2
19. Soul-Saving Sermons by John Harris. Hb. Good. $3
20. Powerful Sermon Outlines And Charts by David Macy. Hb. Good. $3
21. Sermon Outlines on the Cross of Christ by C.C. Crawford. Hb. Good. $5.00
22. You Can Be Just a Christian! by Jim Massey. Pb. Good. $1
23. Sermon Outline Collection Vol. 1 by J. C. Choate. Hb. Fair. $2.00
24. 20 of My Best Sermons by Cline Hancock. Soft Cover. Good. $3.00
25. Baptism and You by John Simpson. Pb. Good. $1
26. Redemption Is by Edward Wharton. Pb. Good. $3.00
27. Sermon Charts and Outlines No. 2 by Harold Sain. Pb. Like New. $3
28. Things Old and New in Religion by Hoyt Bailey. Hb. Good. $2
29. Soul Saving Sermons Vol. 2 by Claude Guild. Hb. Good. $3
30. Milk, Meat & Honey - A Bible Devotional Handbook by Larry Wishard. Pb. Good. $3
1. The Bible Commentary Set by F.C. Cook - 10 Vols. Avg. Hb. $125
2. Coffman, Burton, Commentary Set on the New Testament. 12 Vols. Hb. Fair. $100
3. Matthew by H. Leo Boles. Hb. Fair (Binding is coming loose). $3
4. Mark by C.E.W. Dorris. Hb. Avg. $4
5. Luke by H. Leo Boles. Hb. Avg. $4
6. John by David Lipscomb, Edited, with additional Notes, by C.E.W. Dorris. Hb. Avg. $5
7. Acts by H. Leo Boles. Hb. Fine. $5
8. Romans by David Lipscomb, Edited, with additional Notes by J.W. Shepherd. Hb. Fine. $5
9. First Corinthians by David Lipscomb, Edited, with additional notes by J.W. Shepherd. Hb. Fine (few pages with underlining). $5
10. Second Corinthians and Galatians by David Lipscomb, Edited, with additional notes by J.W. Shepherd. Hb. Fine. $5
11. Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians by David Lipscomb with additional notes by J.W. Shepherd. Hb. Fine. $5
12. 1 and 2 Thess., 1 and 2 Tim., Titus, and Philemon by David Lipscomb with additional notes by J.W. Shepherd. Hb. Good. $5
13. Hebrews by Robert Milligan. Hb. Good. $5
14. James by Guy N. Woods. Hb. Good (Few pages with markings). $5
15. Revelation by John Hinds. Hb. fine. $3
1. Old Testament Survey by LaSor, Hubbard, & Bush. HB. Good. $7
2. Bible History Old Testament by Edersheim. Hb. Good. $7
3. Introduction to the Old Testament by Harrison. Hb. Good. $7
4. General Introduction to the Bible by Geisler & Nix. Hb. Excellent. $6
5. Old Testament Speaks by Samuel Schultz. Hb. Fair (Some underlining & highlighting - Water spots at the top of the first 25 pages and on the front cover). $3
6. Exposition of the Whole Bible by G. Campbell Morgan. Hb. Good condition - name imprinted on front cover. $7
7. General Biblical Introduction by H.S. Miller. Hb. Good condition with highlighting and underlining. $6
8. Heart of Hebrew History by H.I. Hester. Hb. Avg. condition with no underlining or highlighting, on the outside cover a small cut on the binding. $5
9. How to claim the promise by Randy Mayeux. Pb. Good. $3
10. Balance of Truth & Freedom - Edited by Don Ruhl. Pb. Good $3
11. Antagonists in the Church by Kenneth Haugk. Pb. Fair. (Markings, underlining on some pages and some page corners are turned down). $2
12. God and Government by Lee Rogers. Hb. Avg. condition with name imprinted on front cover. $2
13. Can a Christian Kill for His Government? Bennie Lee Fudge. Pb. Fair condition with name written on front. $1
14. War and Conscience by Allen Isbell. Hb. Avg. condition with a few pages underlining and name imprinted on front cover. $2
15. Christian Alternative for Business by David Burks. Pb. Good condition. $2
16. Christian and Government (Rom. 13:1-7 Bible Studies) by John MacArthur. Pb. Good. $2
1. Ancient Israel-Its Life and Institutions by Roland de Vaux. Hb. Fair. Edges of pages have been marked over but on the inside no markings. $8
2. Survey of the Old and New Testament by Russell Bradley Jones. Hb. Fair condition with pages from 208 -355 having some underlining, notes written, etc. $3.
3. Handbook on the Pentateuch by Victor Hamilton. Hb. Like New. $4.00
4. Exposition of Genesis I by Leupold. Hb. Good condition. $5
5. Exposition of Genesis II by Leupold. Hb. Good Condition. $5
6. Book of Leviticus by Charles Erdman. Hb. Fair (Some pages have underlining and paper edges have been marked over. $2
7. Teacher's New Testament with Notes and Helps American Standard Version. Editor-in-Chief John William Russell. Hb. Fine. $3
8. The Living Word - The Pentateuch by Stephen D. Eckstein, Jr. Pb. Fine. $2
9. God Speaks by Moses by Oswald T. Allis. Pb. Find. $3
10. Book of Isaiah 3 Vols. by Edward Young. Hb. Good. $40
11. Mary's Ponderings Concerning Her Son Jesus Christ by Lena Rea. Pb. Fine. $2
12. Jesus-His Story by Robert Shank. Hb. Good. $5
13. Stalker's Life of Christ by james Stalker. Pb. Fine. $1
14. Biblical Doctrine of Christ by James D. Bales. Pb. Good. $1.50
1. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 5 Vols. Hb. Fair (Some water spots on the edges of the paper, but on the inside, the pages look okay). $25
2. Strong's Complete Dictionary of Bible Words by James Strong. Hb Good. $6
3. Eerdman's Handbook to the Bible, edited by David & Pat Alexander. (Guideposts). Hb. Avg. $5
4. Monser's Topical Index and Digest of the Bible, Editor-in-Chief Harold Monser. Hb. Fair (some spots on the edges of the paper but inside is okay). $5 solD
5. Harper's Topical Concordance, Complied by Charles R Joy. Hb. Fair, has a name imprinted on the front cover. $3
6. New Bible Dictionary (Eerdmans), Organizing Editor J. D. Douglas. Hb. Fair. $5.00
7. Smith's Bible Dictionary (Nelson). Hb. Like New. $3.00
8. Unger's Bible Dictionary (Moody Press). Hb. Fine. $4
9. Smith's Dictionary of the Bible 4 Vols. (Baker), edited by H. B. Hackett. Hb. Good. $100
10. Principles of Biblical Interpretation by L. Berkhof. Hb. Acceptable (name imprinting on the front and written on the inside page, few of the pages have the tip of the page turned down). $4.00
11. Interpreting Basic Theology by Addison H. Leitch. Hb. Fair. $4
12. Interpreting the Bible by Mickelsen. Hb. Fair, underlining throughout the book, some notes, and a few top edges of the page turned downed. $4
1. Outline Chalk Talks by Paul Holdcraft. pb. fine condition. $1
2. 150 Topical Sermon Outlines on Romans by Benjamin Horrell. Pb. fine. $1
3. Dynamic Sermon Starters by Charles Inglis. Pb. fine. $1
4. Simple Sermons by W. Herschel Ford - Pb. Fine. All 4 Books for $5. Includes Simple Sermons ... For time & Eternity; For the Midweek Service; On N.T. Texts; & On Evangelistic Themes.
5. Sermons in Magic for Youngsters by Harold Wells. Pb. fine. Vol. 2, 3, 4. All three books $2
6. "How To..." Sermon Outlines by Russell Spray. Pb. fine. Vols. 1, 2, 3. All three books $2
7. Bible Epitaphs by Clarence Macartney. Hb. Fine. $2
8. Spurgeon's Sermon Notes edited and condensed by David Otis Fuller. HB. Fine. $4
9. Protestant Pulpit, Complier Andrew Blackwood,. Pb. fine. $2
10. Sermon Outlines by Al Bryant (Zondervan Loose Leaf Sermon Outline Library) 7 books: Evangelistic Sermon Outlines # 2; Evangelistic Sermon Outlines; Sermon Outlines on Revival Themes; Revival Sermon Outlines #2; Bible Characters-N.T. #18; Sermon Outlines for Worship Services; Sermon Outlines on Bible Characters O.T.. All seven books $7.50.
11. Phillips Brook's Sermons in 10 Volumes. Hb. Fair condition. $20
1. Bible Characters from the O,T. & N.T. by Alexander Whyte. Hb. fair. $10. 2. All the Men of the Bible by Herbert Lockyer. Pb. Fine. $3.00
3. This Great Company (selected & edited by David Poling). Hb. fine. $2
4. Five Hundred Sketches and Skeletons of Sermons. Five volumes in One. Hb. Binding is loose, not in good shape but I believe all of pages are intact. 1925 publication date. A name is inside of the book with a date of May 29, 1933 when the book was given as a gift. $6
5. Great Preaching on Soul Winning compiled by Curtis Hutson. Hb. Good shape with some underlining & highlighting. $2
6. The hope of the Gospel (Alexander Robertson Lectures at the University of Glasgow, 1954). Hb. good shape. $2
7. Preaching Christ (55 Sermons from the Gospels) by Alger Fitch. Pb. Good condition. $2
8. Front-Page Preaching by Steven Albers. Pb. Good condition. $2
9. Christian Differential by Talmage C. Johnson. Hb. Fair condition. $2
10. Should Should a Faith Offend? by E. W. Barnes. Hb. fair. $2
11. Price Tags of Live by C. Roy Angell. Hb. Fine. $2
12. Simple Sermons for Times like these. by W. Herschel Ford. Hb. Good condition. $2
13. Simple Sermons on the Christian Life by W. Herschel Ford. Hb. Good Condition. $2
14. Ready - Set - Grow (Sermons on Church Growth) by Joe Ellis. Pb. Fine. $1.50
15. Beliefs That Matter by Ganse Little. Hb. Fair. $2
16. "Thou Fool" and Eleven Other Sermons by Dwight Moody. Pb. Fair. $2
17. True & False Repentance by Charles Finney. Pb. fine. $1
18. Profiles-Men and Women of the Bible Study Book 1, 2, 3, 4. Pb. Fair. All 4 books $2
Abilene & Harding Lectureship Books $5 each
1. Abilene C College 1968 "Crowning 50 Years. Good
2. Abilene CU 1991 Praising God: Themes from the Psalms. Good
3. Abilene C College 1946 "Things that Cannot be Shaken", Fine
4. Abilene C College 1962 "Restoration Principle" Fair
5. Abilene CU 1989 Christ and Culture: Problem of Secularism. Good
6. Harding 1990 The Church of God in a Pagan World (Studies in 1 Cor) Fine
7. Harding 1975 "They Being Dead Yet Speaketh". Fair
8. Harding 1967 'Restoration: A Continuing Challenge. Fine
9. Harding 1961 "Current Challenges and Dangers Facing the Church" Fair.
10. Harding 1980 "We Give Thee but Thine Own". Fine
11. Harding 1959 "Some Current Problems and Opportunities Facing the Church. Fine
12. Harding 1977 "Facing the Issues". Fine
13. Harding 1978 "How Great Thou Art". Fine
14. Harding 1984 "Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound" Fine.
15. Harding 1986 "What's Right with the Church". Fine
16. Harding 1950 "Restoration of the New Testament Church-A Present need". Fair.
17. Harding 1976 "Count it all Joy". Fine
18. Harding 1992 "Vision of victory". Good.
19. Harding 1951 "Christ and Present Day Problems". Fair
1. Leupold - Exposition of the Psalms. Hb. Fair. $7
2. Leupold - Espositon of Ecclesiastes. Hb. Fair. $6
3. Leupold - Exposition of Zechariah. Hb. Fair. $6
4. Leupold - Exposition of Isaiah Vol. 1. Hb. Fair. $7
5. Leupold - Exposition of Isaiah Vol. 2. Hb. Fair. $6
6. Leupold - Exposition of Daniel. Hb. Fair $7
7. I Believe Because ... by Batsell Barrett Baxter. Pb. Fine. $3
8. Reason & Revelation by Robert Milligan. Hb. Good. $3
9. Messiahship or Great Demonstration by Walter Scott. Hb. Fair (water damage on outside cover front and back. Pages are fine). $3.
10. Evolution and Antiquity by J.D. Thomas. Pb. Fair. $1
11. Christian Evidences vs. Modernism by Bill Nicks. Pb. Good. $2.50
12. Living Word Series: Christian Evidences by Virgil Trout. Pb. Good. $2
13. Doctrine of God - Syllabus Series in Outlined Form by J. J. Turner. Pb. Good. $2
14. Love of God by John MacArthur, Jr. Hb. Good. $3
15. Blood of Abel by Charles White. Pb. Like New. $3
16. Biblical Study of God (Gospel Teacher Adult Series) by Charles Hodge. Pb. Fine. $1.50
17. Rationality of Belief in God edited by George Mayrodes. Pb. Fair. $1.50
18. Pillars of Faith, Editors- Herman Wilson & Morris Womack. Pb. Fair. $1.50
19. Intellectuals Speak Out About God, Edited by Roy Abraham Varghese. Pb. Good. $2
20. Christian View of God and the World by James Orr. Hb. Fine (Few pages with underlining). $2
21. What is God Really Like? by Craig Groeschel. Hb. Good. $5
22. Character of God in the Book of Genesis by W. Lee Humphreys. Pb. New. $5
23. Reason for God by Timothy Keller. Pb. Good. $4
1. Faith and Knowledge (Refutation of Agnosticism) by Mac Deaver. Comb with pages 8.5x11. Good. $3
2. Teaching of Jesus by Samuel G. Dawson. Pb. Fine (few pages have markings). $4
3. Living Way Series - Survey of Life of Christ Vol. 2. by Melvin Wise. Fine. $2
4. Let This Cup Pass from Me by Lena Rea. pb. fine. $0.50
5. Who Is Jesus?... by Hulen L. Jackson. Pb. fair-some markings & notes on some pages. $1
6. Biblical Study of Jesus Christ by Robert Bankes. Pb. fine. $2
7. Prelude To Glory by Wayne D. Leeper. Pb. Fine. $3
8. Christ of The Church (Sermons, Lectures & Illustrations) by J. V. Coombs. Hb. Fair. $3
9. Jesus Christ - The Son of God by O. Kelly Lawson. Pb. Fine. $1
10. Within the Hall of Pilate by David T. Lusk. Pb. fine. $1
11. Jesus: Inspiring and Disturbing Presence by M. de Jonge. Pb. Fair. $1
12. Understanding Christ by John R. W. Stott. Pb. Fair. $1
13. Science and Pedagogy of Ethics by Harvey W. Everest (1899). Hb. Fair. $3
14. The Witness of the Spirits by James W. Zachary. Hb. Fine. $5
15. A Geocentricity Primer/The Geocentric Bible 3 [Two Books in One] Paperback – by Gerandus D Bouw. Good. $2
16. The Truth: God or Evolution? by Marshall & Sandra Hall. pb. fair. $2
17. Creation-Evolution Controversy by R. L. Wysong. Hb. Good. $3
18. Burning Bushes by Mac Layton. Hb. fine. $3
19. Theistic Evolution by Alfred Fairhurst. Hb. Fine. $5
20. As It Is Written-The Genesis Account Literal or Literary? by Kenneth >. Gentry, Jr. Pb. Good. $4
21. Evolution Cross-Examined by David Simpson. Pb. fine. $1
22. Glimpse Into God's Heart by Kirk Brothers. Pb. Like New. $3
23. History of Evolutionary Thought by Bert Thompson. pb. fair. $0.50
24. Work of the Holy Spirit by Howard Winters. pb. fair. $2.50
25. Holy Spirit: Person and Work by Owen Olbricht. pb. like new $4
26. Holy Spirit, Study of, by Richar Rogers. 8.5x11 Paper. Fair. $2
27. Unbroken Bread by Mike Root. Pb. Fine. $2
28. What Americans Believe and How They Worship by J. Paul Williams. Hb. Fair. $3
29. Worship by Ted Waller. Pb. Fine. $1
30. Woman's Role in the Church by John Mark Hicks & Bruce Morton. Pb. fine. $1
31. Hymn is Born by Clint Bonner. Pb. Fair. $1
32. Singing and New Testament Worship by Dave Miller. Pb. Fine $2
33. Let the Redeemed Say So by Kerbe B. Lee. Pb. Fine. $1
24. Instrumental Music and New Testament Worship by James Bales. Pb. fair $4
25. Prayer Power by George M. Brown. Pb. Like New. $2.50
26. Evangelical Reprint Library-The Communicant's Companion by Matthew Henry. Hb. Fine. $3
117 (Sermon Books)
1. King's Business and Other Sermons by Perry Wilmeth. Hb. Good. $3
2. Sermon Outlines by John Reese & D.C. Lawrence. Hb. Fair. $2
3. Lord's Day Evening Sermons V. 2 by Foy Smith. Hb. Good. $3
4. Heart Pricking Sermons by Paul Murphy. Hb. Avg. $2.50
5. From High Water to Hell by Arnold Sexton. Pb. Fine. $2
6. Heart Aflame by Jerry Cantrell. Pb. Fine $1.50
7. Work Out Your Own Garden by Lawrence L. Smith. Pb. Good. $3
8. One Gospel Minute-A Devotional Guide by W. E. Skipper. Pb. Good. $1.50
9. Choose Life by Jack Duty. Pb. Good. $1.50
10. Sermon Outlines on Acts by C. C. Crawford. Hb. Good. $3.50
11. Soul Saving Sermons by Claude Guild Vol. 1. Pb. Good. $2.50
12. 100 Sermon Outlines by E. W. Stovall. Pb. Good. $1.50
13. Sermons of R. C. White. Hb. Good. $2
14. Principles of New Testament Christianity by Charles Crouch. Pb. Good. $3.50
15. Seven Deadly Sins by Allen Isbell. Hb. Fine. $2
16. Fifty Short Sermons by Fred Dennis. Hb. Good. $2.50
17. Gospel Preacher Vol. 1 by Benjamin Franklin. Hb. Like New. $6
18. Gospel Preacher Vol. 2 by Benjamin Franklin. Hb. Like New. $6
19. Christ of the Church (Sermons, Lectures & Illustrations) by J. V. Coombs. Hb. Fair. $3
20. God Has Spoken by Irven Lee. Pb. Good. $3
21. Cross and the Crown and other Sermons by Danny Cottrell. Pb. Fine. $2.50
22. Highest Peak of Human Performance by Basil Overton. Pb. Good. $2.50
23. When Christ was Preached to Christ by Basil Overton. Pb. Good. $2.50
24. Fundamentals, The, by Andrew Connally. Pb. Like New. $3
25. Gospel of Christ by J. C. Choate. Pb. Fine. $1
26. Great Inheritance and other Sermons by John Waddey. Pb. Fine. $2.50
27. "Help ... Me Climb My Mountain!" by Bill E. Smith. Pb. Good. $2.50
28. Seven Score Short Sermons by Basil Overton. Hb. Good. $3.50
29. Select Sermon Material by Frank L. Cox. Pb. Fine. $1
30. Vital Fundamentals: Simply Discussed by Jerry Frazier. Pb. Good. $1.50
31. Hearing For Eternity Vol. 1 (Old Paths Book Club) by Fred A. Amick. Hb. Fine. $2.50
1. Studies in the Sermon on the Mount by Nelson Smith. Pb. Fine. $5
2. Romans Realized by Don DeWelt (Bible Study Textbook Series) Good. Hb. $5.00
3. Romans (Living Word Series) by J.D. Thomas. Pb. Fine. $2.50
4. Righteousness through Faith - Romans part one by J. Ridley Stroop. Pb. Fine (markings on a few pages). $2.50
5. Commentary on the Book of Romans by Robin Haley. Pb. Good. $3.50
6. Paul's Letter to the Romans by Robert Bell. Pb. Good. $2.50
7. The Lord Went with Them (26 lessons on the book of Acts) by Stanley Sayers (Living Way Adult Series). Pb. Good. $2.50
8. Galatians by J. Ridley Stroop. Pb. Fine (markings of some pages) $2
9. For the Perfecting of the Saints - First Corinthians Part 1 by E. H. Ijams. Pb. Good. $2.50
10. First Corinthians (An Outline - Workbook) by Clem Thurman. Pb. Good. $2.50
11. Expository Outlines on Ephesians by Edward Fudge. Pb. Good. $2.50
12. Hebrews (Nuggets of Truth Bible Study Series) Workbooks - 4 Books by S. C. Kinningham. Pb. Good. All 4 books $4
13. Hebrews & James (Way of Life Series) by J. D. Thomas. Pb. Good. $3
14. Sermons on Revelation by L.S. White. Hb. 1917. Fair (Binding is worn and used, starting to come loose. Pages intact. $5
15. The Voice of Seven thunders by J. L. Martin. Hb. Fair (Binding is a little worn, but intact for an old book. Pages intact, no markings) $5
16. The Lamb and his Enemies by Rubel Shelly. Pb. Good. $3
17. Aspects of Sin (13 lesson Workbook) by Holy Bailey. Pb. Good. $2.50
18. Without a Parable - The Art of Illustration by vernon Ray, Jr. Pb. Good. $2.50
19. The Principles of Religious Teaching by Wade Crawford Barclay. Hb. Fine. $2.50
20. Leading the First-Century Church in the Space Age by F. Dale Simpson. Hb. Good. $4
21. Church Leadership and Organization by Flavil R. Yeakley, Jr. Pb. Good. $2.50
22. Bigger Men for Better Churches by Cleon Lyles. Hb. Fine (a few pages with underlining). $2.50
23. Leadership for Christ in the Local church by James R. Wilburn. Pb. Fine (one page a small section cut out and was taped back in). $2.50
24. Congregational Developement by L. R. Wilson. Pb. Fair (Binding is starting to get loose. Pages intact, no markings. $2
25. Baptism in the New Testament by G. R. Beasley-Murray. Pb. Good like new. $5
26. Becoming a Millionaire God's Way by C. Thomas Anderson. Pb. Like New. $4
27. Contagious Generosity-The Key to Continuous Blessing! by Barry Cameron. Pb. Like new. $4
28. The Fight of our Lives by William Bennett & Seth Leibsohn. Hb. Like New. $5
29. The Founders Key by Larry Arnn. Pb. Like New. $4
30. Building a Successful Bible School by Fred Mosely. Pb. Fine. $2.50
31. Straight Talk about Teaching in Today's Church by Locke E. Bowman, Jr. Pb. Fine. $1.50
32. Wish I'd Said That by Cleon Lyles. Pb. Fair (Markings on some pages and some pages with corner turned down). $1.50
33. Bible Doctrine of Grace by J. D. Thomas. Pb. Fine. $2
34. Gospel Gems by Bill Dillon. Pb. Good. $1.50
35. The Church's Educational Program by Henry Speck, Jr. Pb. Fine. $2
36. Christian Teaching-Studies in Honor of LeMoine G. Lewis (Everett Ferguson, Editor). Hb. Good. $5
37. Principles of Teaching for Christian Teachers by C. B. Eavey. Hb. Fine. $2.50
38. Teaching for Results by Findley Edge. Hb. Fine (on one page a small section has been cut out). $2.50
39. Now That I'm A Christian by R.B. Sweet (2 copies) Pb. Fine. $1 each copy
40. Now That I've Been Restored by R. B. Sweet (5 Copies). Pb. Fine. $1 each copy
1. Christians Only by James DeForest Murch. Pb. Good. $5
2. The Church of the Bible by Don DeWelt. Hb. Fine. $5
3. Captives of the Word by Louis Cochran and Bess White Cochran. Hb. Fine (Highlighting and underlining throughout the book) $5
4. The Most Excellent Way by Eldred Echols. Pb. Good. $4
5. The Churches of Christ (Student Edition) Hb. Fine. $5
6. Monsheim Ecclesiastical History Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 by John Lawrence Mosheim. Hb. Fine. $15 for the set.
7. History of Reformatory Movements by John F. Rowe. Hb. (Binding is in bad shape, is about off. Pages are intact, but the edges look like have had some water damage) $5
8. The Mirror of a Movement by William Banowsky. Hb. Fine. $5
9. The Church, the Falling Away, and the Restoration by J. W. Shepherd. Hb. The cover is about off. pages are intact. $3.50
10. Short History of the Christian Church by C. P. S. Clarke. Hb. Fine. $3.50
11. A History of the Christian Church by Lars P. Qualben. Hb. Some markings and underlining. $4
12. Florida Christians-Disciples of Christ by Ellwood Nance. Pb. Fine $3.50
13. Major Religious Beliefs in America by John David Stewart (The Living Way Series). Pb. Good. $2.50
14. Communism-Its Faith and Fallacies by James Bales. Hb. Fine-few pages has underlining. $5
15. The Great Controversy by Ashley Johnson. Hb. Good. $5
1. Collins-Craig Auditorium Meeting. Hb. Good. $4
2. Sermon Outlines of T.Q. Martin. Pb. Fine (few pages with markings and underlining). $3
3. Voices of Action (Collection of sermons by different preachers). Hb. Fine (few pages with markings and underlinings). $4
4. Jesus Christ is the Answer (Book of Sermons by different preachers). Pb. Fine. $3
5. The Praying Christ and Other Sermons by John Allen Chalk. Hb. Fair. The binding is loose, and a couple of pages are torn. $3
6. Evangelistic and Expository Sermons by Ashley Johnson. Pb. Good. $4
7. Reprint Library: Elements of the Gospel and Letters to a Young Christian by Isaac Errett. Hb. Good. $5
8. Reprint Library: Sermons for the People by William Henry Book and Lappin's Sermon Outlines by S.S. Lappin. Hb. Fair. $5
9. Reprint Library: Bible Studies by J. D. Murch. Hb. Good. $5
10. Reprint Library: Be One by N. J. Reasoner. Hb. Fair. $5
11. Reprint Library: The Spiritual Side of our Plea. Hb. Fair. $5
12. Sermons that Live by Ted Cline. Pb. Fair. $4
13. Lard's Quarterly Vol. 1 by Moses E. Lard. Hb. Fair (two of the pages are torn but the text is intact. $10
14. Adventure of Faith by Carl Ketcherside. Pb. Fair. $2
15. Lion & Lamb on Planet Earth by Rodney Miller. Pb. Good. $4
16. Reign of God by Jim McGuiggan. Pb. Good. $3
17. Truth, the Millennium, and the Battle of Armageddon by Leslie Thomas. Pb. Good. $2.50
18. Contending for the Faith (25 Sermon outlines) by Mike Kiser. Pb. Good. $2
19. Columbus Tabernacle Sermons Vol. 2 by William Henry Book. Hb. Fair. Some pages showing where there was some water damage, but the pages are intact and the text is not harmed. $3
20. Future Punishment by Moses Stuart. Hb. Fair. $2.50
21. Soul Saving Revival Sermons by John L. Brandt. Hb. Fair. $3
22. Indiana Pulpit edited by William Henry Book. Hb. Fair. $3
23. Seeking the Old Paths and other sermons by Robert Moffitt. Hb. Fair. Title page is loose. $3
24. Frank Van Dykes Sermons. Hb. Good. $4